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Energy Transfer LP



Energy Transfer LP provides energy-related services. The company owns and operates approximately 11,600 miles of natural gas transportation pipeline, and three natural gas storage facilities in Texas and two natural gas storage facilities located in the state of Texas and Oklahoma; and 19,830 miles of interstate natural gas pipeline. It also sells natural gas to electric utilities, independent power plants, local distribution and other marketing companies, and industrial end-users. The company owns and operates natural gas gathering and natural gas liquid (NGL) pipeline, processing plant, and treating and conditioning facilities in Texas, New Mexico, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Kansas, and Louisiana; natural gas gathering, oil pipeline, and oil stabilization facilities in South Texas; and a natural gas gathering system in Ohio, as well as transport and supplies water to natural gas producer in Pennsylvania. It owns approximately 5,215 miles of NGL pipeline; NGL and propane fractionation facilities; NGL storage facilities with working storage capacity of approximately 50 million barrels (MMBbls); and other NGL storage assets and terminal with an aggregate storage capacity of approximately 17 MMBbls. The company provides crude oil transportation, terminalling, acquisition, and marketing activities; and sells and distributes gasoline, middle distillate, and motor fuels and other petroleum product. It offers natural gas compression service; carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide removal, natural gas cooling, dehydration, and British thermal unit management service; and manages coal and natural resources properties, as well as sells standing timber, leases coal-related infrastructure facilities, collects oil and gas royalty, and generate electrical power. The company was formerly known as Energy Transfer Equity, L.P. and changed its name to Energy Transfer LP in October 2018. The company was founded in 1996 and is headquartered in Dallas, Texas.

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MT5, TV, cTrader
Last update at 2025-02-07 21:00:30 GMT+3
*Data Source: MT5 Server Prime Account Pricing

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Use our margin calculator to determine the funds required to open and maintain positions.

Select your account base currency, an asset pair, the size of your position in lots, and your level of leverage. 

The calculation is carried out as follows:
Required Margin = Trade Size / Leverage * Account Currency Exchange Rate

Profit/Loss Calculator

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Use our profit and loss calculator to determine where to place your take profit and stop loss. 


Select your account base currency, an asset pair, the size of your position in lots, choose between a long buy and a short sell, and input a stop loss and take profit value. 

The calculation is carried out as follows:
SL / TP Levels = SL, TP Amount / Pip Value Formula * Exchange Rate

Swaps Calculator

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How it works:

Use our swaps calculator to determine the interest rate differential between two assets. 


Select your account base currency, an asset pair, the size of your position in lots. 

The calculation is carried out as follows:
Swap = (One Point / Exchange Rate) * Trade Size (Lot Size) * Swap Value in Points

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Use our currency calculator to determine the value of one currency against another, based on current exchange rates.

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